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14th March
written by JAK

Happy Pi Day!

10th March
written by JAK

I recently was reintroduced to Suzy Bogguss.  She was a popular Country music singer when I was in high school (during my Country phase).  A few weeks ago she was a guest on a Prairie Home Companion.  I then had to look her up on You Tube and relive some of my favorites.

Shenandoah was not one of those favorites.  I had never heard it til now, but she sings it beautifully in this performance from 2012.

26th February
written by JAK
26th February
written by JAK
21st December
written by JAK

It’s nearly impossible to be depressed with this playing:

This one ain’t bad either—especially the part about the “piggy pudding”

Though I think Noel–Christmas Eve, 1913 is my favorite carol of all:

29th November
written by JAK

So I’ve been trying to watch what I eat and not snack all the time.

Tuesday afternoon I got up from my desk chair and started towards the kitchen to get a snack and thought to myself,”You know, you aren’t really hungry. You don’t need a snack. Ignore the craving.” So I immediately spun around to return to my chair but tripped and lost my balance and fell HARD. And I mean hard!

The unlucky corner

The good thing is I didn’t fall flat on my face. The bad thing is that instead I was stopped by the force of my jaw hitting the corner of my Expedit. Wow, that hurt. I am very lucky I didn’t break my jaw or some teeth.

I do have a nice big bruise along my jaw line and a lot of swelling, along with a fetching impression of the corner of the Expedit— seriously, there is a 90° angle now impressed into my jaw.

But I was not the only one to come out with battle scars: the Expedit now has a rounded corner.

So the moral of the story is clear: while it is healthiest to resist snacking, vacillation is the real enemy. Also: beware of unwieldy footwear:

26th November
written by JAK

My tree

18th October
written by JAK

I was honored to be a bridesmaid for my friend Cindy in her recent wedding.

The bachelorette party was at the Renaissance Festival. I felt compelled to make a costume. I think you could fit several small children in each sleeve…

The wedding was this past Saturday.  Isn’t the bride beautiful?

Congratulations to Cindy and Joe!

7th September
written by JAK
Link at Marines booth at MN State Fair 9/2/2012

Link at Marines booth at MN State Fair 9/2/2012

So my Dad complained the other day that Deanna Durbin was STILL up as my latest post—as if someone could ever have too much Deanna Durbin!

For the sake of familial harmony, here’s a pic of my bro-in-law Link at the State Fair last weekend.

This one’s for you, Dad.

17th June
written by JAK

I’ve been attending the Deanna Durbin film series at the historic Heights Theater. I had never heard of her before, but she was extremely famous in the late 30s and early 40s, and apparently saved Universal Studios from bankruptcy. She quit show business in the late 40s and retired to France where she still lives.

I find her just delightful!

Below is a clip from 1941’s It Started with Eve. The premise: a man’s dying father (played by Charles Laughton) wants to meet his new fiancée, but she is unavailable, so he substitutes a hat-check girl (played by Deanna Durbin). When the father unexpectedly recovers, mayhem ensues with the son trying to juggle his fiancee and the hat-check girl without his father finding about the ruse. Meanwhile the hat-check girl is trying to stay in their lives long enough to meet a family friend who is a famous musician.
