Photo by Mark Parden, AP
Above: Firefighter David Tree shared water with injured koala after wildfires decimated areas of Victoria, Australia.
Despite burned paws “Sam” the koala is now healing well thanks to the efforts of caretakers at a rescue shelter — and she even has a new boyfriend, “Bob,” another koala at being treated for burns at the shelter.
The Garden of Eatin’: A Short History of America’s Garden from Kitchen Gardeners on Vimeo.
The Garden of Eatin’: A Short History of America’s Garden from roger doiron on Vimeo.
This animated video is part of the “Eat the View” campaign to turn part of the White House’s 18 acre lawn back into an edible landscape. The video tells the story of the “America’s Garden” from 1800 when President John Adams planted the first “first vegetables” to feed his own family to the present day.
I’m sick :O(
But I did make a new record. I slept from 3pm December 28 to 10 am December 29. And even for a sleep-lover like me, that had to be a new record.
I do recall some interesting dreams in which I was: a juvenile delinquent, a model, a character in a James Bond movie (one with Jaws!), etc. Much more interesting than my real life.
Thanks to Mom and Dad for the emergency OJ and supplies!
I think it might be time for another nap…