
24th May
written by JAK

Almost June and we have tulips! And the trees are flowering! And it’s almost 70 degrees F!

16th May
written by JAK

Photo by Dave Menke

Last evening Jeremy spotted an injured cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) outside my building. Today I took it in to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota, which happens to be conveniently located in Roseville’s Central Park just a few miles away. Cedar waxwings are one of my favorite birds. I hope it will heal soon.

After I dropped it off, I went across the street to the Muriel Sahlin Arboretum, a small horticultural area of 8 acres. There I saw my first daffodils and ducklings of the season.

It’s a beautiful 77 degree day with sun and a breeze. St. Louis was always so still. Here it seems to be always windy.

6th May
written by JAK

Today we broke 70 degrees F! Woo-hoo!

26th April
written by JAK
9th April
written by JAK

Current plants in bloom at Missouri Botanical Garden.

The forecast here?

A Winter Storm Watch remains in effect from Thursday afternoon
through Saturday morning.

There remains uncertainty on the exact precipitation type
Thursday afternoon and night in portions of eastern and southern
Minnesota… including the Twin Cities metropolitan area… as well
as the Highway 8 corridor in west central Wisconsin. The
precipitation in these areas may oscillate between rain and snow
Thursday evening before changing to all snow during the early
morning hours on Friday. Accumulating snow is then expected on

By Friday night… snowfall accumulations within the watch
area could reach 6 inches or more.

14th March
written by JAK
29th January
written by JAK

It was so nice yesterday. In the forties. I didn’t even have to wear a hat or gloves.

I thought it would be similar today, so I dressed not like an Eskimo. I found myself downtown with a temperature of -4F and a windchill of -25F.

That’s quite a drop. Not to be expected. But I should know by now to ALWAYS check the forecast before leaving home!

Thank God for the Skyway system.

23rd December
written by JAK
5th December
written by JAK

Video now available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM.

22nd November
written by JAK
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